Meet Our Crew
I'm a grandpa times two, a longtime newspaperman who got his start at the old Daily Calumet, a lifelong Southlander who loves the Cubs and Bears. Never met a gnome I didn't like. I've been writing the Comings and Goings column for several years, starting with the Daily Southtown. I live in Frankfort . If you have news about business openings or closings, anniversaries, relocations, awards, promotions or new hires, I'm your man.

Contact information
I'm an Oak Forest resident and longtime journalist who now makes his mark as a freelance humor writer and cartoonist. I've written and drawn cartoons for large greeting card companies — including Shoebox (Hallmark), Oatmeal Studios, Gallant Greetings and It Takes Two — as well as for newspapers and web sites. I have a cartoon blog called Words and Toons, a webcomic called Captain Scratchy and an online store featuring many of my cartoons at Zazzle. I'm an avid White Sox fan, a back-on-the-bandwagon Blackhawks fan and a back-on-the-ledge Bears fan.
You can reach me at
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