Southland Savvy
Senese’s Winery, an Oak Lawn restaurant since 1973, and its Barrel of Laughs comedy club, which has been serving up laughs since 1977, closed last week. The phone number has been disconnected and the web site has no listings for acts past July 3.
I’m not sure what prompted the decision, but the reader who tipped me to the closing said he heard one of the owners wanted to retire.
Handbag store closing
It’s Not There Bag is holding a store closing sale at 12707 S. Ridgeland Ave. in Palos Heights. The store will remain open until its inventory is sold. The store carries replicas of designer handbags. The phone number is 708-388-0544.
Midwest Eye Center moves
Midwest Eye Center moved recently from Tinley Park into new digs on the upper floor at 19070 S. Everett Blvd. in Mokena. Midwest is one of the first businesses to move into the complex, which has languished with empty storefronts for years.Midwest Eye Center moves
Qwest Diagnostics also recently moved into the complex.
Caged In reopens
The ultimate fighting store Caged In reopened Saturday at its new digs at 14478 S. LaGrange Road in Orland Park. The store closed several weeks ago at its Tinley Park location. The phone number is 708-444-1703. Its web site is still and it has a Facebook fan page.
Concert deal of the week
Indie rock band Made Avail is playing at 8 p.m. Friday at the Apple Store inside Orland Square Mall. The band promises a full-blown concert.